Dying Light 2 Stay Human (referred to simply as Dying Light 2) is an open world first-person survival horror action RPG developed by Techland and published by Techland Publishing, it is a sequel to Dying Light.
Dying Light 2 Stay Human was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S on February 4, 2022.
“Over twenty years ago in Harran, we fought the virus—and lost. Now, we’re losing again. The City, one of the last large human settlements, is torn by conflict. Civilization has fallen back into the Dark Ages. And yet, we still have hope. You are a wanderer with the power to change the fate of The City. But your exceptional abilities come at a price. Haunted by memories you cannot decipher, you set out to learn the truth… and find yourself in a combat zone. Hone your skills, as to defeat your enemies and make allies, you’ll need both fists and wits. Unravel the dark secrets behind the wielders of power, choose sides and decide your destiny. But wherever your actions take you, there’s one thing you can never forget—stay human. Official Website [2] “ |
After the initial containment and vaccination of the Harran Virus, during the events of Dying Light, the world begins to return to normal. However, due to an outbreak and subsequent string of mutations, the once contained virus spreads globally and decimates the human population. The remaining survivors must band together to fight for the future against a nearly endless undead horde. In this broken world, you must make decisions that will lead the scraps of humanity into the light of a new era, or doom your kind forever.
Taking the role of Aiden Caldwell, an infected survivor looking for his sister in the City where the player encounters and has the choice to aid various factions that are based within it that affect your outcome and gameplay. The game is set in 2036, 22 years after the events of Dying Light and 15 years after The Fall, a catastrophic event in late December 2021 where a new mutant strain of the Harran Virus breached GRE containment and spread across the world, plunging it into a period known as the Modern Dark Ages.
Dying Light 2 Stay Human takes place in Europe, in the fictional city of Villedor (sometimes called The City). There is considerably less information on the exact location of Villedor and its former political status than there is for Harran. For example, we do not know if Villedor, like Harran, was also a city-state, or whether it was part of a larger nation. We do know that the country it formed a part of was a member of the European Union, and that the city itself was home to millions of people, placing it among the top cities of Europe by population. The city’s architecture is notably reminiscent of cities in Central/Eastern Europe and electrical outlets in the game are Type E, which is also predominantly used in these regions.
Additionally, while an official real-life website was created for the city of Harran, it appears that no such website was created for Villedor.
Double the number of parkour moves from the first game, and greatly improved human combat. Dying Light 2 (much like the first game) has 2 skill trees full of new moves like the Air Kick and TicTac (not to be confused with TicTac from the original), and old favorites like the Dropkick and slide.
Dying Light 2 Stay Human will offer more player choice in missions, allowing players to make decisions that will affect the story and open world. Siding with survivors gets you trampolines and more ziplines while siding with the Peacekeepers gets you more traps and a semi automatic crossbow
Aside from factions, one new change discussed is that the encounters with actual zombies will be lessened. The city is mostly populated by the survivors and faction members during the day, and only during the night when everyone heads indoors do the zombies come out. Zombies can also be found inside, in dark uninhabited buildings.
During your journey throughout the city, you can modify weapons, wall run and jump, sprint across pillars, use the infected to break your fall, use your binoculars to mark targets and use your stamina to break down doors (but it also drains your stamina when climbing). Dying Light 2 Stay Human also features a “Tech Tree” that separates proficiencies of “Parkour” and “Combat” earn EXP on each action and accrue giving skill points for new skills and upgrades. The Paraglider is a new tool that allows you to glide around the city and with upgrades, you can boost yourself in the air. You gain a grappling hook which you can swing from objects (enemies can grapple as well) or pull objects to you or even grapple mid combat to swing kick at an enemy/infected. You can also use the grappling hook as a final yanking boost when doing climbing and running out of stamina.
You start with way less parkour skills in the start and have to unlock more via skill points which also increase your character’s level, inhibitors can be found and used to upgrade your health and stamina with a max of 26 levels on both sides. The game offers a variety of different outfits that you can wear that also buffs your stats like defense, HP, XP gain, damage, etc.
This game’s parkour and combat is incrementally harder too, as there are more enemy types and more moves too, it takes time to learn but it is worth it.
Over the course of Dying Light 2 Stay Human, the player will encounter a variety of Infected enemy types:
Enter the World of Dying Light
“A massive, exciting sandbox”
“The most intelligent zombie game”
“Entertains from start to finish”
Mia. Waltz. Villedor. The Nightrunners. They are only the beginning of your journey. Join Pilgrim Outpost and experience Dying Light 2 Stay Human to the fullest.
Ever since the Harran virus broke out 20 years ago, mankind had to seek refuge in the last few settlements still standing. As a wandering Pilgrim bound by no ethics or rules, you’re left looking for a long-lost sister. Travel to one of the remaining bastions of humanity, the city of Villedor. Enter its strongholds, meet its people, restore hope and unwind the past that may now come back to haunt you.
Build your squad and wreak havoc among hordes of infected. Come face-to-face with dangers that even the more courageous cannot face alone. Eternal glory awaits with the finest loot.
It’s not enough to know the ways of combat and parkour to survive in Villedor. You have to be perfect. You have to be brutal. And most importantly, you must always be one step ahead of your enemies. Use 200+ weapons, 20+ weapon mods, and dozens of power moves to learn, practice, and master. Show no mercy, for it will not be shown to you.
During the day, most creatures take shelter inside buildings and terrifying Dark Zones. It’s a time for humans to briefly retake control of the open world. Explore the streets and rooftops alike, meet new faces, assist those in need, and uncover what lurks beneath the gripping story of every citizen.
As night falls, monsters crawl out of their gloomy interiors, giving you a chance to get a hold of the supplies, weapons, and valuables inside. Stay vigilant, for staying out too long in the dark will turn you into one of them permanently.
Every nook in The City hides a mystery. Adventures can be found everywhere in its vast, multilayered open world filled with action and story — behold the twists and turns that await. What you find may give you an experience of a lifetime.
Simply not turning into an Infected at night is one thing, but continuously choosing to make hard-hitting moral decisions is another. Face the consequences and don’t stray from the path. Every decision shapes the world and dramatically impacts the story.
Build your squad and wreak havoc among hordes of infected. Come face-to-face with dangers that even the more courageous cannot face alone. Eternal glory awaits with the finest loot.
It’s not enough to know the ways of combat and parkour to survive in Villedor. You have to be perfect. You have to be brutal. And most importantly, you must always be one step ahead of your enemies. Use 200+ weapons, 20+ weapon mods, and dozens of power moves to learn, practice, and master. Show no mercy, for it will not be shown to you.
During the day, most creatures take shelter inside buildings and terrifying Dark Zones. It’s a time for humans to briefly retake control of the open world. Explore the streets and rooftops alike, meet new faces, assist those in need, and uncover what lurks beneath the gripping story of every citizen.
As night falls, monsters crawl out of their gloomy interiors, giving you a chance to get a hold of the supplies, weapons, and valuables inside. Stay vigilant, for staying out too long in the dark will turn you into one of them permanently.
Every nook in The City hides a mystery. Adventures can be found everywhere in its vast, multilayered open world filled with action and story — behold the twists and turns that await. What you find may give you an experience of a lifetime.
Simply not turning into an Infected at night is one thing, but continuously choosing to make hard-hitting moral decisions is another. Face the consequences and don’t stray from the path. Every decision shapes the world and dramatically impacts the story.
Build your squad and wreak havoc among hordes of infected. Come face-to-face with dangers that even the more courageous cannot face alone. Eternal glory awaits with the finest loot.
Dying Light 2 Stay Human picks up the torch from the original Dying Light, a game that blew past our greatest expectations. It marked a paradigm shift for the studio during its development. We are proud of the work that has withstood 7 long years. It’s truly a testament to the hard work we have poured into the game. The community loved every bit of it and we intend to carry on that legacy forward with its sequel. If you want to learn more about the history of the first Dying Light.
Dying Light® & Dying Light® 2 Stay Human © Techland S.A. Published and developed by Techland S.A. All trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners. All Rights reserved.
“A massive, exciting sandbox.”
8.4/10 – PC Gamer
“The most intelligent zombie game.”
4/5 – TechRadar
З подій першої гри минуло 20 років. Вірус переміг, і людство повільно вимирає. Ви граєте за Ейдена Колдвела — цей пілігрим блукає світом і доставляє товари, ділиться новинами та обʼєднує ті нечисленні поселення вцілілих, які ще залишилися на безплідних землях, виснажених вірусом зомбі. Але ваша справжня мета — знайти молодшу сестру Мію: ви покинули її, коли вона була ще дитиною, тікаючи від доктора Вальца з його жахливими експериментами-тортурами. Минуле не дає вам спати спокійно, і ви нарешті наважуєтеся постати перед ним, дізнавшись, що Мія, можливо, досі жива у Вілледорі — останньому місті на Землі.
Ви не гаєте ані хвилини й опиняєтеся в серці поселення, що потерпає від постійних сутичок. Вам доведеться вести вигадливі та криваві бої, тож відточуйте навички, аби долати зомбі та знаходити союзників. Досліджуйте місто, бігайте та стрибайте поміж будівель і дахів Вілледора в пошуках здобичі, захованої у віддалених куточках, і остерігайтеся ночі. Щовечора після заходу сонця на вулиці виходять чудовиська.
Пʼятнадцять років тому людство винищила Руїна — катастрофічна подія, що назавжди змінила світ. Вірус із Гаррана поширився світом, і люди швидко збагнули, що надії на майбутнє більше немає. У 2036 році залишається лише кілька поселень, і людство повільно вимирає, звільняючи місце для нового виду — натовпу лютих зомбі.
Ласкаво просимо до Вілледора — одного з останніх бастіонів людства. Вдень уцілілі досі намагаються жити хоч якоюсь подобою нормального життя, обманюючи самі себе. Завʼязуються стосунки, мріються мрії, життя продовжується. На позір усе видається. нормальним. Та лише до заходу сонця. Щойно гасне останній промінь світла, інші, моторошніші мешканці міста виповзають зі своїх похмурих барлогів і заполоняють вулиці. Якщо нехтуватимете безпекою та занадто довго залишатиметеся на вулиці в темряві, то додому можете й не повернутися.
Не з усіх сутичок можна вийти переможцем. Іноді краще тікати — добре, що ви це вмієте. Паркур дає змогу втекти, коли ви розумієте, що суперники переважають. Стрибайте з даху на дах, пролітайте над міськими будівлями, гойдайтеся на тарзанках і виконуйте ще цілу низку трюків. Що б ви не робили, насолоджуйтеся особливим відчуттям свободи, бігаючи та стрибаючи будівлями й дахами Вілледора та шукаючи цінну здобич або тікаючи від нічних небезпек.
У такому небезпечному світі, як цей, виживають лише найсильніші. Ви можете чавити, різати чи розчленовувати тих, хто стає на вашому шляху — але щоб вижити самому, це треба робити творчо. Та і хто сказав, що вам для цього потрібна зброя? Використовуйте все ваше спорядження для паркуру, щоб завжди бути на крок попереду від ворогів. Навчіться тонкощів бою та паркуру та трощіть черепи чи розтинайте плоть, розмахуючи зброєю чи демонструючи надзвичайну гнучкість та спритність — і жодна небезпека не стане на заваді. І не забувайте, що Вілледор може похизуватися зброєю, якій позаздрять навіть найкращі постапокаліптичні арсенали.
Виживати у Вілледорі з друзями легше. Обʼєднуйтеся з іншими гравцями в команди до чотирьох людей, щоб мати більше шансів на успіх. Розкривайте таємниці історії разом, виконуйте завдання застави пілігримів або ж просто сійте хаос на вулицях міста.
Розробники описують вміст так: Ця гра може бути непридатною для деяких вікових груп або неприйнятною для перегляду на робочому місці, бо містить: часті сцени насильства чи кривавості, загальний вміст для дорослих.
* З 1 січня 2024 року клієнт Steam буде під
тримувати лише Windows 10 чи новіші версії цієї ОС.
Dying Light 2 © Techland S.A. Published and developed by Techland S.A. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
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